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The Philadelphia Human Development Study (PHD) is a NIH-funded longitudinal study on the determinants of early childhood development. In the first interview, we ask respondents about their beliefs regarding children’s developmental milestones. In the second interview, we measure the mother’s investments in her child. In the third interview, we measure child development. We will follow about 960 women from pregnancy to when the children are about 24 months old.
Flávio Cunha (Principal Investigator, Rice University)
Jennifer Culhane (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Irma Elo (University of Pennsylvania)
Marsha Gerdes (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Sandra Wolf (Drexel University)
Study Coordinator:
Snejana Nihtianova (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Current Research Assistants:
Deborah Jaffe (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Michelle Gifford (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Shanae Smith (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Shariah Williams (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Adam Van Aken (University of Pennsylvania)
Past Research Assistants:
Dalton Banks (University of Pennsylvania)
Diana Cave (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
Study Materials:
Below, you can find the electronic survey instruments used in the study. So far, we have developed the survey instruments that are conducted at the time that the participant is enrolled into the study (during the second trimester of pregnancy) and the survey that takes place when the child is nine months old. The surveys were created with Python, which you can download here.
Click here to download the instrument used in the enrollment survey.
Click here to download the instrument used in the nine-month visit survey.
© Flávio Cunha / 713 348 3312 / Flavio.Cunha at rice dot edu